Medieval Manor Gardens offers the following services to both commercial and retail clients. We are also looking at offering some online versions, but resources are making this a slow process. Either way these services provide unique learning environments, team building and more connectivity between people and their environment:

*Traditional skills workshops including topics such as natural/ancient horticultural methods, food

Survival Shelter Building

preservation, native edibles and medicinals, fire making (without using a match!), cordage, cutting tools, and many others. Small groups ensure more individual attention and therefore greater learning potential and a smaller eco footprint in native areas and on agricultural land. Many of these workshops will involve our Drawbridge affiliates (like minded local businesses) and their products and services as well as the sampling of Medieval Manor’s many products.

*Guided treks through our 146 acre wooded property adjacent to Lake Isle with a

Black Spruce Trail

variety of fens, meadows, native plants and wildlife. Identification of wild edible and medicinal plants and wildlife, orienteering, selective sustainable firewood gathering, and implementation of learned survival techniques are just a few of the possibilities.

*Unique experiences provided by our Drawbridge affiliates like health and wellness workshops, food and beverage experiences, indigenous learning, water sports, and so much more!

*Volunteer programs through our Crewyrs Tribe in which participants can help in our gardens, fields, and

Crele Legbar Chicken

out in the woods, as well as learn valuable skills and information regarding locally produced eco agri sustainable native plants and livestock, as well as unique garden produce.

Akesi Farms Hemp Mats Vs Burlap

*Consultation services including edible landscaping, herbology, holistic nutrition, natural gardening, agricultural sustainability and more.

*Products are always available for purchase as are services always available to book (you can register for Traditional Skills Workshops and Guided Trail Hikes under our Products section. Please inquire regarding our other services). Special events and entertainment (Like Alberta Open Farm Days taking place Aug. 16th – 17th, 2025) will be offered from time to time as well!

*To all of our clients that bring us gently used pots, trays and germ packs – for helping keep these items out of the landfill we will provide discounts on purchases or select free plants in exchange! (discounts and/or plant selection will depend on factors such as volume and type of potting materials, plant availability, etc. Please inquire with staff).

Pirate Stock 2017