
We hope to have our Anreg (Welsh for gift) shop open on-site for the 2025 season. Hiraeth (pronounced Hee-

MM Gardens Protein Pearls

rye-th) is a deep inborn sense of yearning for a place beyond this plane of existence. It really has no words in the English language to describe it. It is more of a deeper feeling. It is in the wind, the rocks, and the waves. It is nowhere and it is everywhere. It is perfect for our little place of connection and to enable guests to bring a piece home with them to keep that connection. This shop will feature fresh produce, our Protein Pearls (AKA farm fresh eggs), potted native plants, our Drawbridge affiliate, Dragonfly Spirit CreeAtions’ wild teas and additional Indigenous inspirations made from our farm products, rooster capes, and other local, natural and unique items.

Fringed Loosestrife

Since most customers want to know what conditions plants grow in to be sure they will succeed in the environments they will have when they get the plants home, we thought it pertinent to regroup our categories to include Prairie, Woodland, and Wetland areas. While this is still not perfect as some plants will cross over into multiple categories and there are definitely more than 3 environments, it does give one a much clearer idea of what plants may work best in the most common environments we have in our area. Prairie is generally drier (though there can be more moist pockets in some spaces), more open, sunny, and subject to the elements. Woodland is generally cooler, more protected, quite often shady (though there are some open woodland areas), and can vary from drier to more moist conditions depending on topography. Wetland is definitely moist, but can vary from

Meadow Blazing Star

saturated ground, to banks and pond edges, to fully submerged and floating vegetation. It can also be shaded/protected all the way to full sun depending on different factors. Hopefully, this gives people a better frame of reference when deciding on which species to purchase. MM Gardens now has a ‘Misfits’ category as well which includes one-offs, discontinued products, and plants that may have a kink or some other oddity about them, but are perfectly fine otherwise. It enables us to clear much-needed space and tidy things up a bit while giving customers a chance to get some cool things at discounted prices! We have also opted to remove our ornamental category as really this seems redundant to us. I mean, any plant can be ornamental with the right placement!

Fantasy Garden Workshop

As far as workshops and tours go, you can book anytime online, but please contact us in regards to dates and times since some events may be offered only once in a season,

Wild Edible and Medicinal Nature Walk

multiple times, weekly, or even daily! From all of us at Medieval Manor Gardens we thank all of our clients and hope this will make your shopping journey a little easier!